Professional Development
MAGE is a certified Professional Development Provider (PDP) by the state of Massachusetts
MAGE is proud to be an approved provider of professional development for the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in the following areas:
Curriculum and Instruction – General
Safe & Supportive Learning Environments
Special Education – General
Supervising Practitioner
Other: Gifted, Twice Exceptional (2E)
Here’s what participants have to say.
“MAGE made a significant impact on our teachers, students, families, and overall community. They are the special kind of educators you don’t come across often. They have an innate ability to intrinsically motivate teachers and students to reach their greatest potential. Our entire faculty gave them glowing reviews and wants them to come back for our next Professional Development.”
Jacob Weaver, Fusion Academy
“I look forward to bringing this new knowledge to my EC team. Please come back! Thank you! Your passion & knowledge shines through!! In this training I learned: How “real” this is and how important it is that we as a system support these students.”
Lynne, Acton Boxborough SpEd teacher
"This workshop was not only truly helpful but well organized and educational. Thank you!"
Nancy, Acton Boxborough 2nd/3rd grade teacher
"MAGE exhibits tremendous care and passion for children in this category and would be an asset to educators in the broader community of schools."
Shira Deener, JCDS Head of School
"This was great and more is needed for our district"
Kate, Acton Boxborough High School teacher
Shira Deener, JCDS
MAGE effectively provided information on the experience of gifted and twice exceptional students – an area that is ill-understood by so many educators.
Jacob Weaver, Fusion Academy
“We worked with MAGE to provide our teachers and faculty with expert training and professional development. I quickly realized that the leadership team members at MAGE were not only passionate experts in their content areas, but also outstanding leaders and mentors with a natural ability to connect and inspire other educators.”
Would love to have Karen and Michelle back to work with district wide groups!
-Acton Boxborough 3rd grade teacher
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This was wonderful and inspirational
-Acton Boxborough Kindergarten teacher
This workshop was not only truly helpful but well organized and educational. Thank you!
-Nancy, Acton Boxborough 2nd/3rd grade teacher