For Parents
The following resources may be helpful to you and your child's education and socio-emotional well-being. Please note that many of these resources are parent-recommended and being listed here does not convey an endorsement by MAGE.
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Defining Giftedness
“Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities.”
Further Reading
What is Giftedness? National Association for Gifted Children
Gifted Traits and Characteristics Davidson Institute
Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent by Francois Gagne
Is My Child Gifted? by MAGE
Helpful Links & Resources
How Can I Prepare My Child for Testing? by Aimee Yermish
Gifted Development Center: A service of the Institute for the Study of Advanced Development Denver based resource for Testing and Literature (Linda Silverman)
For a list of neuropsych professionals who have successfully worked with our community, log in to the member section
20 Types of Acceleration (Belin-Blank Center)
A Nation Deceived from the Acceleration Institute, University of Iowa (Belin-Blank Center)
Nation Empowered from the Acceleration Institute, University of Iowa (Belin-Blank Center)
Early Entrance to Kindergarten (Belin-Blank Center)
How to do Subject Acceleration (Belin-Blank Center)
How to find out if your child is ready for more advanced workThe Best-Kept Secret in Gifted Education: Above-Level Testing (Belin-Blank Center)
Alison Carr, Woburn, MA
Dr. Anya Dashevsky, Lexington, MA
Deidre Lovecky, Providence, RI
Jennifer Markow, South Hadley, MA
Randy Marles-Orabone, Boylston, MA
Dr. Mariko Sakurai, Newton , MA
Dr. Elizabeth Smith, Natick, MA
Acera School Winchester, MA
Athena's Advanced Academy Online
Brighton School Framingham, MA
Learning Unlimited (Splash nationally)
MIT PRIMES: Program for Research in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science for High School Students
Glossary of terms used in Gifted Education Michigan Association for Gifted Children
Glossary of Terms NAGC
Additional Resources
Twice Exceptional: What it is and what you can do for your children 2019, Dr. M.G. Stewart
Get Support
MAGE holds weekly office hours open to the public each Thursday from 9:30-10:30am Eastern via Zoom. Drop in to chat with a MAGE expert in this open group consult.
Need more help? We have several consultants that are available and have successfully worked with our members over many years. Ask us for a recommendation!
Fees apply. Members receive a discounted rate.
This service is available to parents, guardians, educators and schools.
Get Involved
Massachusetts is in the bottom few states in the nation for gifted education. Our brightest students need your help.
Why gifted may not be what you think: Michelle Barmazel
“Gifted Students Don’t Need Help; They’ll Do Fine On Their Own”
There are many myths like these that prevent gifted students from getting the support and resources they need. NAGC compiled a list of the most prevalent myths in gifted education with evidence rebutting each of them at nagc.org/myths-about-gifted-students →
“I am grateful for groups like this one. It makes me feel less alone ... I appreciate having places on this journey where people get it.”
“MAGE, the Facebook community...have been incredibly helpful to me in both understanding my gifted children’s unique profiles and determining how best to support each of them. We are very lucky to have this community of families and specialists in Massachusetts!”

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