Massachusetts Resources
for Gifted Education
For a list of Providers experienced with Gifted/2E profiles click here
State-Level Information
Academically Advanced Education | Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education "Promoting High Achievement: Policies and Programs for Academically Advanced Students in Massachusetts in Massachusetts" 2002
Profile of Massachusetts | Davidson Institute for Talent Development
Massachusetts Report Card. System Failure: Access Denied. Gifted Education in the United States | Purdue University, 2019
"The Wicked Smaht Kids: Seeking an Adequate Public Education for Gifted Elementary and Secondary Students" by Brenna Ferrick in Massachusetts UMass Law Review, Vol. 10, January 2015
A Washington Post analysis in 2015 found MA is the smartest state in the union based on estimated IQ, SAT scores, ACT scores, and percent of the populace who are college graduates.
The NCES, National Center for Educational Statistics gives percentages of students identified as gifted in 2004 & 2006. MA is at the bottom with less than 1% identified. At this time, Vermont was the same as MA. Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, South Carolina, & Virginia have the most students identified ranging from 12 to 14%.
Is there a Gifted Gap? research from the Fordham Institute says in Massachusetts only 5.3% of schools have gifted programs. The national average is 68.3%
Students Enrolled in Gifted Programs by State 2015-2016 Office of Civil Rights Data Collection CRDC
Equal Talents, Unequal Opportunities by Jonathan Plucker et al, published by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
Massachusetts Districts Reporting Gifted Programs
Arlington Public Schools | Academic Challenge and Enrichment at Ottoson Middle School
Bedford Public Schools | Gifted and Talented/Schoolwide Enrichment Program
Brookline Public Schools | Enrichment and Challenge Support (ECS) Program
Fitchburg Public Schools | Advanced Academic Learning Initiative
Hatfield Elementary School/ "Falcon's Nest" Enrichment and Gifted & Talented Program (They also have school choice)
Quincy Public Schools | Advanced Placement Center for Middle School Students
Tri-Town School Union | Topsfield Advanced Academics Program and Extended Studies Program (Middlefield, MA)
If you know of a school or program for gifted students not featured on our list, please email
Updated 11-19-2020
Private Schools Emphasizing Education for Exceptional Students
Acera School (Winchester, MA)
Barrington Christian Academy (Barrington, RI)
Birches School (Lincoln, MA)
Boston University Academy (Boston, MA)
Massachusetts Academy of Math & Science (Worcester, MA)
The Brighton School (Framingham, MA)
The Tremont School (Concord, MA)
The Corwin-Russell School at Broccoli Hall (Sudbury, MA)
The Phoenix School (Salem, MA)
The Sage School (Foxboro, MA)
Fusion Academy (Burlington, Newton, & Hingham locations)
Homeschool and Enrichment Resources
(online education, formerly Stanford EPGY)
Districts with Earlier Kindergarten Entrance Age Requirements
According to on Aug 6, 2019
BE SURE TO CHECK with each district to be certain this is up to date!
Listing of age requirements of all MA districts:
Age 5 by:
Brockton - Age 5 by December 31st
Chicopee - Age 5 by October 1st
Lee - Age 5 by October 1st
Lincoln - Age 5 by October 1st
Martha's Vineyard - Age 5 by October 1st
Old Rochester - Age 5 by December 31st
Pittsfield - Age 5 by December 1st
Southern Berkshire - Age 5 by December 31st
Sudbury - Age 5 by October 1st
Wareham - Age 5 by October 1st
Worcester - Age 5 by December 31st
Several charter schools allow entrance to Kindergarten by Age 4 dates
Age 4 by:
Benjamin Banneker Charter Public - Age 4 as of August 29
Boston Renaissance Charter Public - Age 4 as of September 1
Bridge Boston Charter School - Age 4 as of September 6
Codman Academy Charter Public - Age 4 as of September 1
Community Day Charter Public School - Gateway (District) - Age 4 as of August 26
Community Day Charter Public School - Prospect (District) Age 4 as of August 27
Community Day Charter Public School - Webster (District) Age 4 as of August 26
Dudley Street Neighborhood Charter School - Age 4 as of September 1
Lawrence Family Development Charter - Age 4 as of August 27
Lowell Community Charter Public - Age 4 as of August 26
MATCH Charter Public School - Age 4 as of September 1
Neighborhood House Charter - Age 4 as of September 1
UP Academy Charter School of Dorchester - Age 4 as of August 27