Not all parts of an IQ test have equal ability to identify advanced ability. Subtests loaded in abstract reasoning reveal the stunning cognitive power of the gifted mind. There are now new ways to identify gifted and twice exceptional (2e) children that provide more accurate estimates of the abilities of gifted children than the Full Scale IQ. According to the NAGC Position Statement, “Use of the WISC-V for Gifted and Twice Exceptional Identification,” 7 different composite scores should be acceptable for selection to gifted programs, provided that the score falls within the confidence interval of the selection criterion. A gifted lens is needed to obtain accurate assessments of twice exceptional children. The most important diagnostic question is, “To what extent does the discrepancy between the child’s strengths and weaknesses cause frustration and interfere with the full development of the child’s abilities?”
Learning Objectives
1. Participants will learn about new index scores of the WISC-V and their benefit in the identification of twice exceptional students.
2. Participants will become familiar with the NAGC Position Statement, “Use of the WISC-V for Gifted and Twice Exceptional Identification.”
3. Participants will learn how to interpret the strengths separately from the weaknesses in complex WISC-V protocols of twice exceptional students.